Posts Tagged ‘Bhoganandishwara Temple’

Read little. Ate much. Discovered a new interest. Scattered.

Willing to commit, but can’t find something to commit to. Or someone to commit to. Beginning to accept that an ideal job does not exist. A couple not in love can be in a happy marriage. A couple in love can be in an unhappy marriage. Such is life.

Read Mind Blogs 1.0. by Zahid H Javali, Christina Daniels and Nirmala Govindarajan in between my exams. Warm, funny, relatable experiences.  Finally started reading Maugham’s Of Human Bondage. I have a bit of  Philip in me.  And working on The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron.  Supposed to unblock me. Started the morning pages and doing it regularly for a couple of days now. Feel lighter.

T Harv Eker’s Secrets of the Millionaire Mind is making me see money in a new way and have even started thinking about investments.  Also reading this – – Amitava Kumar interviews Arundathi Roy.

Had an urge to click and joined a photo walk by the Photography On The Move people in January. We went to a temple complex called Bhoganandishwara near Nandi Hills and later to a nearby village called Sultanpet where there was a pottery unit and silk weaving unit. Pretty eclectic bunch. Most came with dslr’s while i had to make do with a cranky old point and shoot with a mind of its own.  Couldn’t get good shots of the pottery and silk weaving but the ones of the temple which mainly involved working with light were pretty decent. Definitely want to play with photography this year.

Went to a photography exhibition at National Gallery of Modern Art. The photographs were from V & A called Something That I’ll Never See.  The photographs, the thoughts and techniques behind them, were on another level altogether where i won’t be going but inspiring nonetheless. It’s a gorgeous place, ngma is. Big white mansion, mirror pool, lots of greenery and colourful blooms. Went armed with my cam but they were preparing for the Attakalari Biennial so could not get any good shots.

(Pic from

Found this great place to shop in Indiranagar called The Orange Bicycle. Must, must get my hands on The Doors bag.

Loved the sushi and dim sum at Zen in Leela Palace. Actually ate eel-sweet, salty and fishy.   And neer dosa, fish curry, crabs at Coast to Coast but after tasting the sushi and dim sum, not so keen on curries and masalas anymore.  Another place i loved was Chaipatty Teafe. A chai shop. Rustic yet contemporary. And is supposed to play some fantastic Pakistani music in the evenings.

Just one movie – No One Killed Jessica, which stuck to the events as they happened without turning into a documentary.  Expected Sabrina to be a stronger personality and Meera should’ve stayed in the background. Looking forward to The Black Swan this weekend.